Welcome back guys, I hope you like my previous article, Introduction to Classes in C++, in this article we will be further continuing our discussion on classes in C++. We will not be discussing anything new on the topic though, just a simple example program to elaborate more on Classes in C++.
In this article, I will show you a program based on classes, which converts units of length from one to another. The program is simple and I do not think there is any need for discussing it in detail.
The example program is given below:
//C++ Program #include<iostream.h> class length { private: float in_meter, in_cm, in_inch; public: void input(float len,int ch); float output(int ch); }; //---function definition starts--- void length::input(float len,int ch) { switch(ch) { case 1://for meter in_meter=len; in_cm=in_meter*100; in_inch=in_cm*2.54; break; case 2://for cm in_cm=len; in_meter=in_cm/100; in_inch=in_cm/2.54; break; case 3://for inch in_inch=len; in_cm=in_inch*2.54; in_meter=in_cm/100; break; } } float length::output(int ch) { switch(ch) { case 1://for meter return in_meter; case 2://for cm return in_cm;
case 3://for inch
return in_inch;
default://for other values
return -1;
//---function definition ends---
void main(void)
int choice;
float org_length;
length length_obj;
cout<<"Enter choice of unit:";
cout<<"\n\n 1>Meter";
cout<<"\n\n 2>Centimeter";
cout<<"\n\n 3>Inch\n";
cout<<"\nEnter Length:";
cout<<"\nLength in Meters: "<<length_obj.output(1);
cout<<"\nLength in CMs : "<<length_obj.output(2);
cout<<"\nLength in Inches: "<<length_obj.output(3);
Enough for now, please check back for updates!